Tuesday 26 November 2013

Some Important Things To Remember

1) You are not going to get an award for this. They do not build monuments to depressed people who carry on living.

2) You can pity yourself, so long as you continue to be kind to yourself, and aspire to inspire things other than pity in others.

3) You are not one of the few people with issues. You are just one of the few people willing to be so open about them.

4) There is nothing to be gained from being competitive with pain.

5) You cannot afford to be a perfectionist right now. You will have to do the bare minimum if that’s all you’re capable of doing. Work from there.

6) People have their own lives and they were not made to support you. Some will do what they can but you cannot expect more from people than they are capable of giving.

7) You don’t know what you want at the moment and that’s okay. Keep your options open.

8) Pain will not kill you. It’s in the nature of pain to make you think that it will.

9) Now is the worst time to compare yourself to others. You are ill, many of them are not. It’ll exhaust and demoralise you. Don’t think about what they’re thinking. Their judgments do not matter and they will see you when you are better. Let them judge then.

10)The most important thing you’ve got to do is breathe, and if you can, believe that it will get better.

Amusing And/Or Irritating Things People Have Said In Response To Finding Out That I Am Severely Clinically Depressed

It’s a constantly evolving list.

1) Why are you so sad?

2) You were always so cheerful, it’s a shame you’re like this now.

3) At least you have a boyfriend!

4) I can give you a two-day essay extension because of your mental illness, but you really ought to try to meet deadlines in the future. Missing them does you no favours in the long run.

5) All the university counselors are at a training day, but you can see our Money Adviser instead if you want?

6) You used to like drawing? What? Flowers? I bet you could draw a flower this afternoon, if you really tried. Email me to let me know when you’ve done it.

7) You’re going home because you’re not doing your laundry anymore? I don’t want to do my laundry either!

8) You lack motivation? Would it help if a bunch of us formed a group and cheered you on?

9) People will want to help you out with stuff like cooking - it’s nice to feel like you’re doing a good deed.

10) Cheer up!

11) Depression is more evident when you focus on it.